Cats are lazy by nature, which partially explains what’s happening here on the blog.
However I did manage to find time to cobble together some notable quotes for you to use at cocktail parties or financial media interviews. Throw some of these between sound-bytes from my Talking Points generator.
“The stock market is like a cat – it never does what you want it to do – when you want it to do it”
– SC
“If you dollar cost average into low fee index funds, you’ll have more time to screw around on Twitter”
– SC
“4 out of 5 economists won’t see the next recession coming until we’re already in it – and the 5th has already been predicting it for the last five years”
“Credentials allow individuals to assume the pretense of knowledge”
– Author not remembered
“Economist predictions are about as reliable as a coin flip, but you still need someone to explain why it landed on heads or tails”
– -SC
“in the old days before the Internet, when a cat did something cute or funny you had to learn about it by word of mouth” – someone on Twitter
“A rising tide lifts all boats over the wall of worry and exposes bears swimming naked”
– SC
“In this market, you have to think like an algo that’s programmed to screw as many participants as possible”
“GDP estimates are a pretty noisy indicator”
– SC
“The trend is your friend – ’till it stabs you in the back with a chopstick”
– SC
“In an alternate universe, the unemployment rate is the percentage of people without jobs”
– SC
“It’s a good thing inflation and the cost of living are two separate things”
– SC
“Never try to catch a falling cat”
– old Wall St. saying
“It’s 4:00 on Wall Street – Do you know what index funds your robo-advisor has your money invested in?”
– SC
“The market drops just enough to make everyone think it’s gonna tank – then it rallies”
“The market rallies just enough to make everyone think it’s going to skyrocket – then it drops”
– SC
“Don’t confuse your Global macroeconomic thesis with what the stock market is going to do today”
– SC
“Unloading stocks on the public at the highs is a process, not an event” – SC
“Show me on the chart where the algo touched you” – SC